Californicus Breeding System

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Control of spider mites both in- and outdoors


What is Californicus-Breeding-System?


  • The predatory mite Amblyseius californicus against several types of spider mites
  • Efficient against all stages of the greenhouse spider mite Tetranychus urticae
  • Also useful to control tarsonemid mites such as the broad mite and the cyclamen mite
  • Delivered in breeding sachets


What are the benefits of Californicus-Breeding-System?


  • Prefers the greenhouse spider mites but also survive on other mites, thrips and pollen
  • Most effective at low prey density
  • Less sensitive to hot and dry weather conditions
  • Also tolerates colder weather conditions
  • Also survives on pollen or even without prey for some time 


How does biological control with Californicus-Breeding-System work? 


  • They eat on average 5 prey a day
  • Adults prefer larvae and nymphs of the greenhouse spider mites
  • The larvae mainly eat the eggs of greenhouse spider mites